
Web App Developer

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Logi Analytics in McLean, VA

Embed in Pre-Sales Engineering team:

  • Sell a B2B2C platform as a product deployment
  • Demonstrate software on sales calls
  • Impress technical prospects at trade shows

Develop business intelligence web applications:

  • Create and demonstrate proof-of-concept BI apps for prospective clients
  • Create and maintaine demo assets to highlight platform strengths
  • Create and customize Logi Info web apps with HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, PHP
  • Embed and customize modern frameworks like Bootstrap, SugarCRM, RaphaelJS

Design and develop enhancements to Logi Ad Hoc:

  • “Loaned” to Product team to re-skin aging product CSS to modern visual style
  • Enhance functionality within scope with UI polish
  • Improved graphic design with layout and images