
up to Resume

It was time.

I created the first version of this site in 2014/2015. I built it on the new hotness of the time: single-site generators. Jekyll, Gulp, Bower.

I learned a lot about web development that you can only really understand by drawing Pepe Silvia diagrams trying to connect the dots together.


I haven’t really touched it since then, and I needed to set up the dev environment on my shiny new MacBook Pro. In the spirit of continuous improvement, I wanted to rethink what I was communicating anyway.

Tech refresh

It’s 2021, and I did not want to rely on Ruby anymore. (And I did not want to admit that I used to use jQuery.) I wanted to prioritize the Portfolio, and minimize the Resume.

I spent several hours evaluating what of today’s technology fit my use case, and settled on Eleventy with JAMstack. I setup NPM through my newly customized ZSH and deployed 11ty Tailwind Alpine for the initial template. I customized a little of everything to learn how it all fit together. Really enjoying learning the latest and greatest (Tailwind, PostCSS, and Nunjucks) after letting the site coast for a few years.

So, here it is. Building a Portfolio site as a portfolio exercise. How meta.